Find Out More About The H. Pylori Test

byAlma Abell

The Helicobacter (H.) pylori can cause peptic ulcers or chronic gastritis in humans. It can also be associated with low-grade lymphoma of the mucosa associated with the lymphoid tissues in the stomach, as well as the development of adenocarcinoma and duodenal ulcers. You can test tissues for such an antibody to help you determine what to do or to learn how to control the situation.

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The H. pylori test is only designed to be used for research. You shouldn’t use it in diagnostic procedures. It does have a clone called SPM526, and the immunogen is the purified Helicobacter pylori. The isotype is the IgG1/k, and it has an undetermined epitope.


This product is designed to be used with Immunohistochemistry applications. To prepare the specimen, you’ll want to use Formalin-fixed or paraffin-embedded tissues. Deparaffinized slides are necessary, and you can use xylene, an alternative to xylene, or graded alcohols with the same effect.

When using a concentrated version, you’ll want to dilute the antibody using a ratio of 1:100, though this is an estimate. Your protocols and methods ratio.

To retrieve the antigen, you should boil the tissue sections in a 10mM Citrate buffer with a pH of 6.0. Do this for 10 to 20 minutes and remove from the heat to allow the concminutes while at room temperature.

The positive control is the Helicobacter pylori-infected stomach with cellular localization occurring in the cell wall of H. pylori.

The H. Pylori test is an excellent way to learn more about stomach and lymphoid area. Visit Spring Bioscience now to find out more.