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Submitted by: Jonathan Tan
A nose job can be one of the most life-changing cosmetic surgeries as it dramatically transforms the appearance of the nose drastically. It sits among the most popular cosmetic procedures in Australia with a variety of patients coming in for their enhancements. And it is also possible that some who are fond of singing come to get a tweak or two to improve their nose. But, it seems that this pose a problem to one’s singing voice as well based on experience and validated by studies.
A nose job, or rhinoplasty, is a procedure that improves the size and shape of the nose. In this procedure, the surgeon sculpts or reshapes the bones and/or cartilage that make up the nasal framework. The extent of surgery will depend on the goal of the patient.
The technique used for a reduction may vary from an augmentation or a reshaping. Also, existing nasal profile determines the type of approach that will be used to make the necessary changes. Adding to that, the degree of risks also follows. And one of these risks includes the changes to your voice.
The Voice
How our voices are produced is dependent on several parts that all act together to create your characteristic sound. The power source for your voice are the lungs, next is the vibrator, which is our voice box, and the resonator, which includes the throat, mouth, sinuses and the mouth. Any sound that is created by the vocal cord is changed by the shape of the passageway of the resonator system producing your own voice.
When all three of the main parts work harmoniously, you are able to produce a voice for speech or singing without giving it much effort, just as we would do with breathing. Speaking, for a normal person, should come out spontaneously.
According to a recent study from Iran, those who underwent nasal surgery sounded more nasal for the first five months post-operatively.
The said study was done in Mashhad Universtiy of Medical Sciences in Iran. It was composed of 22 females and five males with ages ranging from 18-45 years old. Dr. Kamran Khazaeni, a surgeon who specializes on ear, nose and throat procedures and who was also part of the study, shared their results to Reuters. He said that the outcome from 27 surgeries showed that the voices change in significant way statistically, but the actual changes were subtle.
A team of linguists and speech pathologists also detected more pronounced nasal sound in the test. Based on their observation, the study participants had a hard time pronouncing the nasal consonants, since Iran does not have any nasal vowels in their language. There was an increase in the hyponasality after rhinoplasty. This is similar to a sound of the voice when there is not enough air passing through the nasal cavity. An example would be a person with a stuffy nose. The team used patient self-assessments and a compter program that analyzes acoustic sound, which confirmed these results.
According to the researchers, the changes in the surface area of the nasal cavity may increase airflow resistance, which results to an increase in sound absorption resulting in decreased passage of the sound amplitude.
Khazaeni wrote in the February 2014 issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery that if a nose job or rhinoplasty has the tendency to change vocal sounds by narrowing the nasal cavity of the person, those who rely on their voice for a living should be aware of this risk. Based on the data gathered, they were able to notice that rhinoplasty can change your voice.
However, there are some surgeons who say that this does not change any voice outcome. But for those who think that rhinoplasty can potentially alter the voice, they explain that it could be due to swelling, mucus or congestion, which are expected during the healing period.
Other Cases
To spot any voice changes after a rhinoplasty, looking at Hollywood stars who have had them done can be the best evidence. However, the problem here is that a large percentage of these celebrties would like to keep their surgical procedure on the down low.
But, one beauty that has ben thrusted into the spotlight because of a nasal surgery to correct a deviated septum is Ashlee Simpson. She may not be open up about it, but based on the clinical eye from surgeons who have seen her photos say that her nose has indeed improved. But when you listen to her songs, you wouldn’t even be able to notice if any enhancement has been done.
Some who do not go for the surgery cites Barbara Streisand’s decision not to undergo rhinoplasty for fear of changing her voice. According to Dr. Michelle R. Yagoda, a surgeon and an otolaryngologist in New York, a nose job can change your voice.
A Careful Reminder
The good thing about this concern is that it can be prevented. You can’t lose your unique voice just because you want your nose to look good. There is a way to stop any problems from occurring if you just choose a good surgeon. A procedure that is done properly, by nature, will result in an increased air flow through the nose. This will even be an advantage for most singers because it enables them to create a clearer sound, and there will be minimal use for the diaphragmatic support to come up with the same sound.
About the Author: Jonathan Tan writes for
Esteem Cosmetic Studio
an AUSTRALIAN based cosmetic surgery clinic specialising in rhinoplasty or nose job surgery. Learn more about medical and cosmetic procedures by visiting:
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