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Submitted by: Frank Yaconis
A St. Paul, Minnesota woman who had bought Nopalea Juice for her father to help him regain energy and combat the pain of inflammation of his shoulder and joints only dabbled in drinking the juice herself until she was diagnosed with cancer.
She was only 35, but doctors told her she had thyroid cancer.
It was a tough diagnosis to understand. She was otherwise very healthy. She ate well. She exercised. But she still got cancer. This is a very common story for may people.
Often, people who take great pains to maintain good health and habits are devastated by illness and disease.
In this mothers case, she decided to become serious about drinking Nopalea. She followed the directions for the loading phase, which calls for drinking between three to six ounces of the juice every day for 30 days. In her case, she drank three ounces in the morning and another three ounces at night. She wanted to prepare for cancer surgery and radiation.
The day after her surgery, she went home and realized she had no need to take the pain meds the doctors had prescribed for her. Although the path ahead would still be difficult, she took comfort in knowing that Nopalea was helping her body flush out the toxins that remained in her body.
She also worked on lowering her stress and being able to stay optimistic in the face of a frightening diagnosis.
The bright side of being diagnosed with cancer in her 30s is that she is happier than ever, the woman says.
Now, her life is dedicated to helping others even more. She is able to appreciate and find joy in the small things in life more than ever.
The lesson she wants to share is that people should use Nopalea before they are faced with serious illness and disease. She says by drinking Nopalea daily, you are giving your body a fighting chance of avoiding a scary diagnosis altogether.
It is another step to staying as healthy as you can be.
People like this woman are firm believers in the healing ability of Nopalea juice. They say that this juice can make a huge difference in someones life and their health.
Nopalea Juice, made from the prickly pear cactus, is touted for its ability to reduce chronic inflammation, flush toxins from the body, and ease chronic pain.
People who suffer from ailments such as acne, arthritis, and even migraines, have claimed freedom from pain as a result of drinking the juice.
The main ingredient of the juice, next to water, is the Prickly Pear Cactus. It is believed that a powerful class of antioxidants can be found in the plants fruit, actually in the pigment of the fruit.
Only a few other foods contain these pigments, known as betalains. It is said that while Swiss chard and beets also contain betalains, people can find the highest concentration of the antioxidants in the Prickly Pear Cactus.
It is believed that this native Sonoran desert plant has been used for centuries as both a food and medicine.
About the Author: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about
Anti Inflammatory Diet
for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with all kinds of joint pain, including
joint inflammation
. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.
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