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The internet was originally designed to provide information and user connectivity. Now, this technology has grown and developed too became a medium for sales! The internet has redefined sales. The basis of online shopping is where goods from all over the world can be accessed and delivered to your home. Facts shows that in 2008, there are 215 million online in the U.S. (71.4% of U.S. population) and 1,464 million online worldwide (21.9% of world population).
According to non-adjusted estimates released recently by the U.S. Commerce Department, U.S. e-commerce sales totaled $165.4 billion in 2010, up 14.8% from $144.1 billion 2009. Numbers show that e-commerce is taking a huge slice of the conventional retail sales market and is growing faster than retail sales. A total of 4.2% of retail spending took place online during 2010 which increased from 3.9% in 2009. This excludes some categories not routinely purchased online such as fuel, automobiles, grocery and etc.
Even after the recession, online retail sales increased 11% in the fourth quarter of 2010 from the previous year, and full-year 2010 sales were up 10% over 2009. Recently, comScore Inc. reported Fourth quarter 2010 e-retail sales totaling a record $43.0 billion, versus $39.0 billion in 2009. In 2010, online retailers sold $142.5 billion worth of merchandise, up from $129.8 billion in 2009.
What are the advantages of shopping online for medical supplies and equipment?
Here are some of the main advantages of online shopping for medical supplies. First are the return options. If the customer is not satisfied with the purchase, a respectable e-commerce store will allow them to send it back at little or no money cost to them. You get a broader selection of products from online retailers. You get to analyze and compare products from many different suppliers in the online stores. Online shopping enables you to gather reviews on the goods from different users who will give you a detail report on the goods which in turn will be helpful in making a decision to purchase. The online shopping allows you to select from a variety of products and many choices of sizes and colors. One great benefit of online shopping is its 24/7! So no more waiting for your favorite shop to open, you can just shop at any time anywhere at all leading stores, shop for all leading brands. Now no more running from store to store.
Most of the people who are confined at home due to a disability or have little time to shop outside their home or business are the ones mostly enjoying the benefits of online shopping. With a computer and internet connection, shopping, buying and acquiring almost any desired product is very easy and prompt. It surely is a great means of saving time. People with health difficulties also have trouble with conventional shopping methods. They need medical supplies such as incontinent care products, bath products, commodes, toilet seats, chairs and recliners that are offered on some respectable online medical sites. Just like the other items, they can be purchased with great warranties, quality service and can be acquired within a short period of time, and delivered right to your home taking out the hassles of traffic, gasoline consumption and time constraints
In an emergency or a specific health related condition such as diabetes or asthma, certain medical equipment are a must have for your personal use in a family environment. Sickness often comes without notice; therefore it is best to be prepared to tackle any kind of situation. Frequent visits to the hospital may turn out to be expensive unless you have your health insurance in place. Home medical equipment kits can help monitor your illnesses like a fever, cold or other medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. Easy to operate home medical equipment is available on premium online medical supply web stores. All basic diagnostic equipment within your reach can ensure that you and your family members stay healthy, fit and enjoy your quality of life.
Nowadays, we can find all types of medical equipment from trustedonline medical stores that carry an extensive range of branded products from huge and trusted manufacturers, including laboratory apparatus, surgical instruments, sterilization equipment, dental equipment, diagnostic devices, home diagnostic kit and mobility aids likewheelchairs, canes, crutches and scooters.
Although there are still hospital, clinics and other medical institutions that haven’t realized yet the advantages and potential benefits that they can obtain when full implementation of buying medical equipment online is instituted, a large part of the medical community are able to appreciate the effectiveness, convenience and advantages of the online medical stores. Hospitals, clinics and other medical institutions can achieve cost-effective ways in purchasing medical and laboratory equipment. Some online medical equipment stores do not have to cover the expensive overhead it requires to run a business. This includes paying for sales people, infrastructure, benefits etc. Now you have a choice and get the supplies delivered from the manufacturer without covering all the costs associated with the brick and mortar stores. Shopping online can be really cost-effective and definitely, one of today’s sensible options.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/medical-equipment-articles/online-medical-equipment-supplies-todays-sensible-option-604106.html
About Author:
Bonte’ Medical Products Inc. bontemedical.com Offers discounted medical supplies and equipment from the largest manufacturers and distributors serving the market today. Home delivery fast order processing and unsurpassed customer service our some strengths of this company.Author: Anthony Zelinko