Tips On How To Pack For A Ski Vacation

By Anna Notton

Many outdoor sports enthusiasts love taking ski vacations. When packing for a ski vacation, there are a number of specific items that should be included which will ensure that you not only have fun, but you will also be well-protected. Below are a number of ski-tested tips to perfect ski vacation packing:

Clothing: It is important that you wear warm protective clothing because you never know when the temperature will take a sudden drop in the temperature. Make sure you pack clothing that will allow you to dress in layers. You should pack warm sweaters, thin sweaters, polo-neck shirts, and a fleece jacket. Also, pack a ski jacket and ski pants. Do not forget to pack warm thermal socks to keep your feet from getting cold. The thinner thermal sock will be more comfortable in the ski boots.

Protect Head and Hands: It is important to wear a comfortable ski hat that covers the entire head, including the forehead. Thermal gloves are good choice as they will keep your hands warm as you ski the slopes. You should keep an extra hat and gloves in case you lose one.


Environmental Protection: The cold air and sun can be damaging to the skin so you should bring sunscreen, Chap Stick, and hand moisturizer. You should also wear a quality pair of sunglasses as the sun can be quite bright against the snow. As well, the snow can be very wet and slushy so bring a pair of warm boots. You should bring a comfortable pair of walking shoes or boots in case you plan on walking to the local town to eat and do some shopping.

Water: With the exercise and warm clothing, you can easily dehydrate when skiing. To prevent dehydration, bring a water bottle with you. You should drink enough water when skiing to not only prevent dehydration, but also migraines that can result from the higher elevation.

Skis: If you are bringing skis with you, pack clothes around them in the ski bag if the carrier will allow it. Also, don’t forget your ski boots, goggles, and helmet. Try to put as much as you can in your carry-on bags to avoid extra charges for your flight. It may be easier and less expensive just to rent the ski equipment at the ski resort. You can maximize space by tucking small items such as ski gloves and socks inside your ski boots. As well, do not forget your print outs for the lift tickets, ski lessons, and rentals.

A ski vacation is always an exciting time. One way to ruin a great ski vacation is to pack improper items or forget something essential. It is important to create a ski vacation packing list to avoid any issues once you arrive at the vacation destination. As well, when you know what you have to pack, it will save you money as you will not have to buy the items that you forgot. Good planning and packing smart will ensure that your ski vacation is fun and hassle-free.

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