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By Nancy Roberts
When it comes to trying to look our best, some of us will think about finding the perfect bag, the perfect dress or shoes. Some of us will look to makeup – trying to hide the flaws that we see so clearly.
Rather than covering up the flaws in our skin, some people – like skin care expert Sandra Day – will tell us that we need to focus more on caring for our skin. After all, you can’t just quit smiling in order to keep fine lines by the eyes from disappearing. Aging is something that happens; it’s a process that we all go through.
Fortunately, as she told those of us at Smart Cover Cosmetics, when she was part of our ongoing concealing series, there are skin care steps that we all can take to slow down the effects of photo aging – the aging of our skin based on exposure to the elements and the sun, so all we have to worry about is how much we spend when we’re out shopping.
One of the first steps that we can take to slow down the aging process – which is also one of the easiest steps – is to reduce the way the sun affects our skin. We can wear a hat and a light coverup when we go to the beach or work out in the yard. We can be sure that we wear sunscreen every day – even in the colder winter months.
Another step that we can take involves getting professional advice about anti-aging products that are available. According to Sandra Day however, this doesn’t mean heading to the local makeup counter; instead, it’s a suggestion that if you’re truly committed to reducing the signs of aging, you may want to talk with a dermatologist – a doctor who specializes in caring for the skin.
A dermatologist can provide information about – and explain the risks and benefits of – creams that contain RetinA. However, RetinA can be a skin irritant, and therefore isn’t right for everyone. If RetinA isn’t a good choice for you, don’t panic: there are other options available.
One such option involves creams that contain alphahydroxy acids. These products – such as those containing glycols (glycolic acids that come from sugars) as well as those containing lactic acids (those that come from milk) – penetrate through the top layer of the skin and serve to exfoliate the skin, making it look fresher and younger.
Exfoliation is often the key to younger looking skin, and should be a part of our cleansing regimens. Simply by cleaning our skin – removing oils as well as makeup that we’ve worn through the day – and applying moisturizers and being sure to use gentle exfoliants, we can improve the condition of our skin.
It’s not difficult to put a smart skin care regimen to work in your life, and the best part is that it will help to reduce the signs of aging.
About the Author: About the Authors: Nancy and Flori Robertsare the Co-Founders of Smart Cover Cosmetics.They havehelped women, men and children learn to covertheir skin imperfections on their face and body for over 30 years. Flori was the pioneer of black cosmetics and original creator of corrective cosmetics (Dermablend). You can getFREE Cover-Up Tips for every skin flaw and special offers at
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