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Submitted by: Abigail Aaronson
When you think of cosmetic injectables, the first one that came to your mind five years ago was probably Botox. Now the market is flooded with new injectables and cosmetic fillers. Names like Juvederm, Restylane, and collagen are popping up everywhere. If you’re considering undergoing some facial rejuvenation, you may be confused by the new trends, products, and gossip being tossed around by plastic surgeons and their patients.
If you’re concerned that Botox isn’t as effective as compared to new injectables, there is no need to worry. Even with the glut of available products, the amount of Botox procedures administered has steadily risen over the past few years, and it still plays an important role in plastic surgery. Most other newer fillers like Restylane have also gained in popularity, while more natural options like collagen and fat have drastically dropped.
Although there are new options available, which product you choose depends on your aesthetic goals. Botox is not the same substance as Juvederm. Each has a specific purpose, benefits, and risks.
Botox is one of the only injectables that does not fill in lines, but rather prevents the facial muscle from creating wrinkles. It is a toxin that paralyzes the muscle. So it doesn’t technically erase wrinkles as much as it freezes them. It should only be used in moderation in order to maintain a natural appearance. Botox is also primarily used for lines that form between the brow, across the forehead, smile lines, and crow s feet.
Restylane is a type of facial filler that is used for fine lines, acne scars, deeper furrows, and lip plumping. Juvederm is similar but is a more highly concentrated. These types of fillers are good to fill out hollow areas of the face, giving a more youthful appearance. They will not, however, affect the muscles in the face. They simply add volume that will diminish in four to eight months. The effects of Botox also are limited, lasting up to six months.
Before Botox, collagen and fat were the only options when diminishing the appearance of wrinkles or plumping up lips and cheeks. Part of the reason for their recent decline in popularity could be the cost. Collagen is similarly priced to other injectable treatments, but fat is often harvested from other areas of the body and then injected into the target site, which is much costlier than many of the other available fillers. Another reason for the diminishing number of plastic surgery patients using fat or collagen could simply be the media’s influence. Name brand fillers are advertised everywhere, whereas collagen and fat would only be suggested by a plastic surgeon.
When choosing a filler or injectable, trends can be a good indicator, but ultimately research and the advice of a skilled plastic surgeon should be the deciding factor. Just as fashion and makeup trends fluctuate, plastic surgery aesthetics will change over time, especially with rapid changes in technology and cosmetic techniques. Consult with a plastic surgeon before committing to any product.
Even with the glut of new injectable products, the amount of Botox procedures administered has steadily risen over the past few years, and it still plays an important role in plastic surgery.
About the Author: A surplus of new injectables like Juvederm, Restylane, and collagen has not affected the amount of Botox procedures. In fact Botox has steadily risen over the past few years. To make the right choice, consult a plastic surgeon at Botox San Antonio. Visit
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